Welcome to Holy Trinity
Catholic Community
The churches of Holy Trinity, St. Columbkill and St. Mary
serving Goodhue and Bellchester, Minnesota

About Holy Trinity
Holy Trinity Parish was formed in 2013 when the Holy Trinity Church in Goodhue, St. Columbkill Church in Belle Creek, and St. Mary Church in Bellechester merged.
Each church is still open and we have Mass at least once a week in each one.
We are in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis nestled in the rolling hills south of Red Wing Minnesota.
We welcome you and invite you to join us for worship!

Mission: We grow together in Christ.


Sat., Feb. 15 HT 4:45-5:20 PM Sacrament of Confession
Sun., Feb. 16 SM 8:20-8:40 AM Sacrament of Confession
Mon., Feb. 17 SM 6:30-9:00 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Wed., Feb. 19 HT 9:00AM-2:00 PM Adoration with Benediction at 2:00 PM Wed., Feb. 19 HT 2:15-3:30 PM Grades 1-6 Faith Formation Class
Wed., Feb. 19 HT 7:25-8:35 PM Grades 7-9 Faith Formation Class
Wed., Feb. 19 Zumbrota 7:00 PM Grades 10-12 Service Project at Zta. Food Shelf Thurs., Feb. 20 SC 8:00-8:45 AM Adoration/Confession (Daily Mass 9:00 AM) Sat., Feb. 22 HT 4:45-5:20 PM Sacrament of Confession
Sun. March 2 SC 11:30 AM Pot luck meeting about proposed addition
"When you are before the Altar where Christ reposes, you ought no longer to think that you are amongst men but believe that there are troops of Angels and Archangels, standing with you and trembling with respect before the Sovereign Master of Heaven and earth. Therefore, when you are in Church, be there in silence, fear and veneration!" - St. John Chrysostom