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Part-time Maintenance/Custodial Job Opening


Part-time Maintenance/Custodial Job Opening at Holy Trinity: Brett Hayward worked at this position for a year before moving. The Finance Council reached consensus that the position be filled. Those who are at least 21 years of age with a MN Driver’s License can call me to apply. I prefer that this person be a practicing Catholic or at least respectful of the Catholic faith as all employees of the Catholic Church cannot be a counter witness to the Catholic faith. The expectation is to work up to 6 hours/week, $15-$17/hr. depending on experience. The person must be able to shovel snow before Mass, Faith Formation classes and other events; cut lawn and care for our relatively new riding mower and do some custodial work when needed at each church. Call Fr. McCabe at 651-923-4472 by April 25 if you are interested and can provide references. The required “Essential Three” (background check, Code of Conduct and VIRTUS training) will also need to be completed.

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